Be awesome at Korean.
Learn Korean vocabulary and pronunciation with real native-Korean pronunciations, flashcards (text and audio), one-click word lookup for quick translation, and Romanization to help you learn how to read Korean.

Dictionary with Audio
- Get suggestions as you type
- Romanized Korean
- One-click search in results
- On-Screen Korean keyboard

Korean Audio FlashCards
- Improve your pronunciation
- Learn new words every time you use it
- Test yourself at "catching" vocabulary out of context

Translation Helper
- Just paste in some Korean text and click a word
- Automatically looks up the words you click
- Keeps you on the same page to build translations

Korean/English FlashCards
- Test yourself at reading Korean or English
- Korean Romanizations and audio
- Improve your pronunciation

Korean Romanizer
- Turns Korean into easily readable English
- Allows you to start reading Korean immediately
- Helps you pronounce Korean and learn its nuances

On-Screen Keyboard
- Click the on-screen keys instead of typing
- Interacts with your keyboard to help your typing
- Type in Korean with an English keyboard
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