Dictionary Search Help
Here are some tips that will help you find just what you're looking for in the dictionaries.
When searching in English:
- If you're looking for a plural word, like "countries", make it singular and look for that (country). When you get your Korean answer (나라), just add "들" to the end of it and that will usually make the Korean word plural (나라들).
- Don't enter long phrases. Break the phrase down into component words and look them up individually.
- Don't enter past tense words (like "ate"). Enter the present tense (eat).
- Make sure you're spelling your word correctly. "Perseverance" is spelled only one way.
- These abbreviations will come in handy when you see them next to a definition:
Abbreviation | Meaning |
acct. | accounting |
adj. | adjective |
anat. | anatomy |
archit. | architecture |
astron. | astronomy |
bio. | biology |
bus. | business |
chem. | chemistry |
colloq. | colloquial |
comp. | computers |
constr. | construction |
e.g. | for example |
elec. | electrical |
etc. | etcetera |
gymnast. | gymnastics |
Kor. | Korea |
lang. | language |
leg. | legal |
mach. | machinery |
math. | mathematics |
med. | medical |
mil. | military |
mus. | music |
n. | noun |
news. | newspapers |
opp. | opposite |
phys. | physics |
pref. | preference |
pron. | pronoun |
psych. | psychology |
ref. | reference |
reprod. | reproduction |
smok. | smoking |
stat. | statistics |
v. | verb |
vert. | vertical |
weap. | weapon |
weath. | weather |
When searching in Korean:
- Don't use Hanme Hangul to enter Korean in the dictionaries (all the dictionary sees is encrypted garbage). Download the Korean IME from Microsoft instead. This will allow you to type in native code.
- Don't enter long phrases. Break the phrase down into component words and look them up individually.
- Make sure you're spelling your word correctly.
- Here's the biggie - word endings. The following table outlines common verb endings and what you can change the ending to in order to find the verb you want. These will work most of the time.
When your Korean word ends with: | Change the ending to: |
했다 | 하다 |
할 | 하다 |
한 | 하다 |
했어요 | 하다 |
했습니다 | 하다 |
에서 | nothing |
롭게 | 롭다 |
러워 | 럽다 |
다워 | 답다 |
있어 | 있다 |
됐어 | 되다 |
세요 | 다 |
십시오 | 다 |
겠어요 | 다 |
겠습니다 | 다 |
에게 | nothing |
들께 | nothing |
며 | 다 |
을 | nothing |
를 | nothing |
습니다 | 다 |
에 | nothing |
해 | 하다 |
해요 | 하다 |
고싶다 (want to) | 다 |
없어 | 없다 |
진 | 지다 |
난 | 나다 |