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19 matches found for "Personal"
personal | 개인적인 |
Audio and Romanization available with Premium membership |
seal (personal) | 도장 |
Audio and Romanization available with Premium membership |
personal appearance | 용모 |
Audio and Romanization available with Premium membership |
personal ID number | 비밀 번호 |
Audio and Romanization available with Premium membership |
personal situation | 사정 |
Audio and Romanization available with Premium membership |
personal attendant | 근신 |
Audio and Romanization available with Premium membership |
personal liberty | 신체의 자유 |
Audio and Romanization available with Premium membership |
loan on personal pledge | 신용대부 |
Audio and Romanization available with Premium membership |
personal loan | 신용대부 |
Audio and Romanization available with Premium membership |
personal advice column | 지상 상담난 |
Audio and Romanization available with Premium membership |
personal letter | 비공개 편지 |
Audio and Romanization available with Premium membership |
personal abuse | 인신 공격 |
Audio and Romanization available with Premium membership |
personal security | 인질 |
Audio and Romanization available with Premium membership |
personal use | 자가용 |
Audio and Romanization available with Premium membership |
personal information | 개인정보 |
Audio and Romanization available with Premium membership |
Personal Computer | 개인용 컴퓨터 |
Audio and Romanization available with Premium membership |
from personal convenience | 편의상 |
Audio and Romanization available with Premium membership |
personal trainer | 개인 트레이너 |
Audio and Romanization available with Premium membership |
피티 |
personal savings | 개인 예금 |
Audio and Romanization available with Premium membership |
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