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120 matches found for "Take"

to take 새기다
Audio and Romanization available with
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to take turns 번갈아 들다
Audio and Romanization available with
Premium membership
to take into custody 구인하다
Audio and Romanization available with
Premium membership
to take part 참석하다
Audio and Romanization available with
Premium membership
to take shelter 피하다
Audio and Romanization available with
Premium membership
to take a hand in the matter 손대다
Audio and Romanization available with
Premium membership
to take along 가져오다
Audio and Romanization available with
Premium membership
데리고 가다
to take (time) 걸리다
Audio and Romanization available with
Premium membership
to take away 빼앗다
Audio and Romanization available with
Premium membership
to take a road 타고가다
Audio and Romanization available with
Premium membership
to take care of 가꾸다
Audio and Romanization available with
Premium membership
to treat (take care of) 처리하다
Audio and Romanization available with
Premium membership
to take off 출발하다
Audio and Romanization available with
Premium membership
to take charge of 관장하다
Audio and Romanization available with
Premium membership
to take action 처분하다
Audio and Romanization available with
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to take measurements 치수를 재다
Audio and Romanization available with
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to take a photograph of 촬영하다
Audio and Romanization available with
Premium membership
to take a picture of 촬영하다
Audio and Romanization available with
Premium membership
to take a shower 샤워하다
Audio and Romanization available with
Premium membership
to take a pew 앉다
Audio and Romanization available with
Premium membership
to take (things) somewhere 가지고 가다
Audio and Romanization available with
Premium membership
to take with one 가져가다
Audio and Romanization available with
Premium membership
to take care of (child) 돌보다
Audio and Romanization available with
Premium membership
to take off clothes 벗다
Audio and Romanization available with
Premium membership
to take off (plane) 이륙하다
Audio and Romanization available with
Premium membership

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