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45 matches found for "air"
air | 공기 |
Audio and Romanization available with Premium membership |
바람 |
air conditioner | 에어컨 |
Audio and Romanization available with Premium membership |
냉방장치 | 에어콘 |
Air Force | 공군 |
Audio and Romanization available with Premium membership |
air mail | 항공편 |
Audio and Romanization available with Premium membership |
pure air | 맑은 공기 |
Audio and Romanization available with Premium membership |
air supremacy | 제공권 |
Audio and Romanization available with Premium membership |
air region | 하늘 |
Audio and Romanization available with Premium membership |
air conditioning | 냉방 |
Audio and Romanization available with Premium membership |
난방 장치 |
Royal Air Force | 영국 공군 |
Audio and Romanization available with Premium membership |
advance air base | 전진 기지 |
Audio and Romanization available with Premium membership |
via air mail | 항공편으로 |
Audio and Romanization available with Premium membership |
domestic air transportation | 국내항공 수송 |
Audio and Romanization available with Premium membership |
ventilation of air | 공기의 유통 |
Audio and Romanization available with Premium membership |
with an air of perfect composure | 유연히 |
Audio and Romanization available with Premium membership |
Strategic Air Command | 미국 전략공군사령부 |
Audio and Romanization available with Premium membership |
air pressure | 기압 |
Audio and Romanization available with Premium membership |
with an abstracted air | 상심해서 |
Audio and Romanization available with Premium membership |
air chief marshal | 공군 대장 |
Audio and Romanization available with Premium membership |
air marshal | 공군 중장 |
Audio and Romanization available with Premium membership |
air vice marshal | 공군 소장 |
Audio and Romanization available with Premium membership |
air ticket | 비행기표 |
Audio and Romanization available with Premium membership |
to be crisp (air) | 상쾌하다 |
Audio and Romanization available with Premium membership |
신선하다 |
soft breath of air | 설렁설렁 부는 바람 |
Audio and Romanization available with Premium membership |
remaining in the air | 체공 |
Audio and Romanization available with Premium membership |
to stay in the air | 체공하다 |
Audio and Romanization available with Premium membership |
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