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24 matches found for "model"

model (type)
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model 모델
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model (adj.) 전형적
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to model 새기다
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role model 귀감
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model agency 모델알선소
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plastic model 모델인형
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fashion model 패션모델
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utility model 실용 신안품
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실용 신안
to make a model 모형을 만들다
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model warship 모형군함
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model plane 모형비행기
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model map 모형지도
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working model 실용모형
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model of a human body 인체모형
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scale model 축척모형
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to pose a model for a picture 그림의 모델로 자세를 취하게 하다
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model for others 시범
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model farm 시범 농장
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model school 시범 학교
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anatomical model of the human body 인체 모형
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model student 모범생
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year (model year) 년도
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last year's model 작년 모델
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