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43 matches found for "natural"

natural (adj.) 자연의
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자연 그대로의
가공하지 않다
natural 자연의
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natural death 자연사
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natural gas 천연 가스
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natural history 박물학
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natural life 천수
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natural instinct 때부터의 본능
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natural magnet 천연 자석
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natural philosopher 물리학자
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natural resources 천연 자원
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natural science 자연 과학
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natural selection 자연 도태
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natural world 자연계
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natural phenomenon 자연 현상
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natural rubber 천연 고무
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natural ability 타고난 재능
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as a natural result 자연적 결과로서
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to be natural 자연스럽다
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to leave to take its natural course 자연히 되어가는 대로 맡기다
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natural seasoning 자연 건조
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natural park 자연 공원
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natural scientist 자연 과학자
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natural logarithm 자연 대수
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natural agency 자연력
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natural object 자연물
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