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16 matches found for "공중"

공중 the air
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공중 폭파 destruction
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공중전화 pay phone
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public phone
public telephone
공중에 떠도는 flying (adj.)
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공중의 묘기 aerial stunt
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공중질소 고정 nitrogen fixation
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공중제비 handspring (n.)
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flip-flop (gymnast.)
공중제비하다 somersault
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to turn a somersault
공중 누각 mirage
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공중의 aerial (adj.)
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공중선 aerial (n.)
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공중에 aerially
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공중 급유 aerial refueling
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공중 위생 sanitation
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공중 케이블카 aerial tramway
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공중의 편의를 도모하다 contribute to the convenience of the public
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