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15 matches found for "보다"
보다 | to see |
Audio and Romanization available with Premium membership |
to look | to regard as | than (as in Smarter than ~) |
대변 보다 | to have a bowel movement |
Audio and Romanization available with Premium membership |
망을 보다 | to watch out |
Audio and Romanization available with Premium membership |
시연 보다 | to preview (e.g. a movie) |
Audio and Romanization available with Premium membership |
으로 이익 보다 | to make a profit on |
Audio and Romanization available with Premium membership |
눈을 크게 뜨고 보다 | to stare |
Audio and Romanization available with Premium membership |
신문에서 보다 | to read an item in the newspaper |
Audio and Romanization available with Premium membership |
보다 낫다 | to surpass |
Audio and Romanization available with Premium membership |
측면에서 보다 | to take a side view of |
Audio and Romanization available with Premium membership |
찾아 보다 | to look up |
Audio and Romanization available with Premium membership |
겨냥 보다 | to aim |
Audio and Romanization available with Premium membership |
to take aim at |
흘끗 보다 | to glimpse |
Audio and Romanization available with Premium membership |
to catch a glimpse of |
소변 보다 | to urinate |
Audio and Romanization available with Premium membership |
~보다 좋은 | better |
Audio and Romanization available with Premium membership |
~보다 지나서 | beyond |
Audio and Romanization available with Premium membership |
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