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11 matches found for "양철"
양철 | galvanized iron |
Audio and Romanization available with Premium membership |
tinned iron | tin-plate | zinc | double convex |
양철 가위 | pair of snips |
Audio and Romanization available with Premium membership |
양철 깡통 | tin can |
Audio and Romanization available with Premium membership |
양철공 | tinman |
Audio and Romanization available with Premium membership |
tinner | tinsmith |
양철 공장 | tinplate shop |
Audio and Romanization available with Premium membership |
양철 제품 | tinware |
Audio and Romanization available with Premium membership |
양철 지붕 | tin roof |
Audio and Romanization available with Premium membership |
양철집 | tin-roof house |
Audio and Romanization available with Premium membership |
양철통 | tin pail |
Audio and Romanization available with Premium membership |
metal bucket |
양철판 | tinplate sheet |
Audio and Romanization available with Premium membership |
tinned sheet |
양철 렌즈 | biconvex lens |
Audio and Romanization available with Premium membership |
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