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120 matches found for "Take"

Take it easy. 천천히 쉬며 하다.
Audio and Romanization available with
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to take a risk 위험을 무릅쓰다
Audio and Romanization available with
Premium membership
to take as a hostage 인질로 잡다
Audio and Romanization available with
Premium membership
to take to nature 자연을 벗삼다
Audio and Romanization available with
Premium membership
to leave to take its natural course 자연히 되어가는 대로 맡기다
Audio and Romanization available with
Premium membership
to take ship 승선하다
Audio and Romanization available with
Premium membership
to take a taxi 택시를 타다
Audio and Romanization available with
Premium membership
to take into account 감안하다
Audio and Romanization available with
Premium membership
to take responsibility for 안아맡다
Audio and Romanization available with
Premium membership
to take upon oneself 안아맡다
Audio and Romanization available with
Premium membership
to side take sides with 두둔하다
Audio and Romanization available with
Premium membership
to take proper steps to meet the situation 시국에 선처하다
Audio and Romanization available with
Premium membership
to take a memo 메모하다
Audio and Romanization available with
Premium membership
to take notes 메모하다
Audio and Romanization available with
Premium membership
to take down a memo 메모하다
Audio and Romanization available with
Premium membership
to take wing 날아가다
Audio and Romanization available with
Premium membership
to take a measure 겨냥 내다
Audio and Romanization available with
Premium membership
to take the chair 사회하다
Audio and Romanization available with
Premium membership
to take an examination 수험하다
Audio and Romanization available with
Premium membership
to take orders 주문을 받다
Audio and Romanization available with
Premium membership
to take rise in 기원하다
Audio and Romanization available with
Premium membership
to take part in 참여하다
Audio and Romanization available with
Premium membership
to take cognizance of 인식하다
Audio and Romanization available with
Premium membership
to take delivery 인수하다
Audio and Romanization available with
Premium membership
to take a step forward 한발짝 앞으로 나서다
Audio and Romanization available with
Premium membership

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