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120 matches found for "Take"

to take a step backward 뒤로 물러서다
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to take ballet lessons 발레를 배우다
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to take measurements for clothes 옷의 치수를 재다
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to take a sudden turn 급전하다
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급전 직하하다
to take a cold rubdown with a wet towel 냉수 마찰하다
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to take a message 심부름하다
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to take in a literal sense 문자그대로의 뜻으로 해석하다
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to take time out from work 일하다 잠시 쉬다
Audio and Romanization available with
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to take time 시일이 걸리다
Audio and Romanization available with
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to take a nap 낮잠을 자다
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to take aboard 태우다
Audio and Romanization available with
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to take a triangular position 정립하다
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to take to task 문책받다
Audio and Romanization available with
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to take care of children 자식 바라지하다
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to take a wrong course 진로를 잘못 들다
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take ~ times per day 1 ~회
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take every ~ hours ~시간마다
Audio and Romanization available with
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take before dinner 식사
Audio and Romanization available with
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take after dinner 식사
Audio and Romanization available with
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take in the waist 허리 줄이기
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