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167 matches found for "of"

Translation attempt (we cannot guarantee accuracy):
United States of America 미국
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branch (of combat arms) 병과
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by means of
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class of seat (used with Sino numbers) 등석
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to conduct affairs of state 정치하다
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counter for bunch of vegetables
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day of the month
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day of the week 요일
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discharge (of an employee) 해고
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to drop out of school 중퇴하다
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end of ~ (as in The end of this week)
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corps of engineers 공병
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first of all 먼저
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for (a length of time) 동안
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free of charge 무료
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in front of
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to be ignorant of 모르다
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instead of 대신에
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lanes of road toward Seoul 상행선
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Ministry of Armed Forces 무력부
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Ministry of Defense 국방부
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Ministry of Foreign Affairs 외무부
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Ministry of Internal Affairs 내무부
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month (of the year)
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of course 물론
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