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182 matches found for "of"

Translation attempt (we cannot guarantee accuracy):
in case of 만약
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lily of the valley 은방울
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shadow of death 죽음의 그림자
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list of articles 품목
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items of business 영업종목
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pack of cards 카드 한벌
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to be tired of 싫증이 나다
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to be glad of 반기다
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woman of virtue 정숙한 여자
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nape of the neck 고개
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approach of an airplane 진입
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string of pearls 진주
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out of danger 위험을 벗어나서
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to feel ashamed of 부끄러워하다
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law of nature 자연의 법칙
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자연 법칙
this kind of 이런
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accomplishment of duty 수행
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achievement of duty 수행
Audio and Romanization available with
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performance of duty 수행
Audio and Romanization available with
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discharge of duty 수행
Audio and Romanization available with
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effectuation of duty 수행
Audio and Romanization available with
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practice of austerities 수행
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fracture (of a bone) 골절
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the sphere of science 과학의 분야
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various fields of industry 산업의 분야
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